Wednesday 21 November 2012

Bord of Trustees letter

Rom22 Muritai Road Eastbourne 14.2.12 Dear Bord of Trustees and Mr Bird, I am writing to you to request new desks for the senior school. Firstly, the desks we have currently cannot hold all our stationery. At the moment we use tote trays. These don’t work because we all rush to gather our stationery in the same place at the same time. New desks would be able to hold all our stationery and this problem could avoided. We all have different desks some with trays, some without. They are all different heights and colours. The same types of desks would not cause threes types of problems and they would provide more learning time and more appropriate for the Senior School. At the moment the years 3 to 6 they are getting better treatment then your current student leaders of the school. Don’t you think that is unfair? I certainly do. I hope you take this seriously because our tote trays are in a terrible state and cant fit all our stationery. Please make it happen for the senior school. Yours sincerely, Oscar McClelland

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